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What's Inside
1. Each player picks their ODDBALL! They must then hold their deck of oddballs face down in their hand.
2. The first player must place their topmost card face up in the center.
3. Players take turns and place their topmost card face up connected to another card either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. But, you must decide the spot you would like to place your card in and you cannot look at your card before you place it down!
4. The first player to get their ODDBALLS in order by creating a sequence of four of their dogs, wins the round!
5. There are some exciting cards like “Kooky”, “Roll Up” and “Cheek Smush” among others, that add some exciting oddities to make the game even more ridiculous!
6. The first player to win 3 rounds, wins the game!
P.S. You can make the game more challenging by playing with a 5x5 grid!
Either way, if you’re not sitting at the edge of your seat, you’re playing wrong!
What's Inside

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